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Are you looking to INVEST in your Health?

24th Aug 2022:

Check out what the doctors are prescribing as an alternative medicine for depression.

For many years now we have highlighted the benefits of outdoor swimming to:

Boost your Immune system

Give you a natural high

Improve circulation

Increase your confidence

Burn calories


It’s a great way to socialise and make friends.

We have also had clients state they use their SwimPond to help with Lymmes disease and freshwater is better for their skin.

Health benefits are one of the top reasons for our clients purchasing SwimPonds

So, it’s great to hear

Doctors are now prescribing outdoor swimming for depression as an alternative medicine.

Check out the link here:


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So we could say…

“SwimPonds are not just a financial INVESTMENT

but also,

an investment in your HEALTH”.

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