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Why lakes add to your garden and give it that stately home feel!

There’s a reason why properties overlooking water are the most desirable. Water adds so much to a property. A beautiful lake beaming with wildlife. Reflecting the trees, sunlight, and nature… 

All in your garden…

Butterfly’s, animals, wind bristling through the tall grass, bare feet onto to grass, sound of peace and tranquillity. Sounds like a scene from Bambi!

What starts out as a pipe dream of the perfect lake in your garden can end up a disaster. I’ve seen it countless times, over and over again. Does one of these fit you?

How hard can it be? It’s just a hole with water in it? Hole dug but nothing done with it… Contractor been a disaster (should have known with the price given on the back of a cigarette packet) Plants have all died No wildlife has been near the lake Lake full of algae

Home Swimming Pond
Natural Swimming Pond With A Background Of Steps And Two Large Trees

Choosing the correct contractor is essentially to make sure 

your investment is treated carefully, and you get what you pay for. 

Maybe you’re VERY lucky 

and you have found us first. 

Lakes generally start from £80,000 

so making sure this is done correctly is very important! 

Contractors that care about the longevity of a project care about the preparation before the build. 

We became the Nationwide’s choice for lakes because of the way we service our clients. Before hand with the design plan, the build, and then the aftercare.

Book a Discovery Consultation Call Here

Select a date and time from our calendar below for your Call or Video Call to start designing your luxury Pond project.

We will use and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Not ready for a consultation?

Grab your free swim pond inspiration guide now.

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Our Solution

Is to first provide a thorough design and survey service for £997. This way we can do the following.

Have a qualified consultant with years of construction and pond experience survey the land.

This person is dedicated to you. They are not distracted with hundreds of appointments. They will spend time with you to make sure what we design is right for you.
Datums taken so that the lake is put into the correct position.
Design with planning in mind if needed (we have a lot of planning experience with ponds, lakes, swimming ponds)
Designed so that plant life and wildlife can access the pond correctly.
A 2D/3D concept meeting to make sure you’re happy with the sitting of the pond
A full rendered design so you can see how it really sits in your garden and property.
We don’t offer a self-build service as most of the install is a specialist job. We offer many guarantees to our installs.

Once you have had the survey, how quickly can you have it built?

That’s down to you! But anything between 1-6 months from survey.

So, what’s next?

You need to enquire in the box below and our design consultant specialist Tori will give you a call, discuss all your wants and needs and then book in a site visit with Tim our

PLEASE BE AWARE if you request a call, you will get one! We are really thorough in getting back to everyone who requests a call back.

Not ready yet for this? Why not join our newsletter where we will email you updates on projects and information regarding lakes and their management.

PS The right time to have one built is always NOW! We install all year round nationwide. 

Still not Sure?

I know that a Lake is an investment.

If you’re not ready to commit to the project yet, that’s fine.

You might not have a vision for your dream Garden at the moment…

And if you don’t, our team will always be here to help you.

Our specialist design team can tell you:

• Where the perfect spot for your pond would be.

• What size swimming pond would best fit your garden.

• What plant life and filtration we can use to guarantee crystal clear water.

• And build a 3D model to show you exactly how your pond will look.

Talk to us today if that sounds like something you would like to hear.

P.S. Our team is never too busy to talk. 

As we keep growing as a business, we want to help as many people as possible in realising their dream of a beautiful garden. 

So, if you’d like us to help you with yours, grab your phone and …

Still NOT Sure…

Why not visit our page explaining all about the Michael Wheat System and how create the highest quality lakes.

Not ready for a consultation?

Grab your free swim pond inspiration guide now.

Ig Mock Up Brochure

Book a Discovery Consultation Call Here

Select a date and time from our calendar below for your Call or Video Call to start designing your luxury Pond project.

We will use and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.