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Personally, I’m fed up with tradesman letting me down…

8th May 2022:

I’m sure you have been there like I have. Don’t come when they say they’re going to come. Unreliable?

Price changes at the end of the project…

Impossible to get back after the job to sort anything outstanding…

They have a nothing to lose and really don’t care about your project.

Their ‘experience’ is questionable.

Their drawing (if any) looks like something my twin 2 year old boys could do.

I live by a motto. NO COST, NO VALUE.

I decided that as a company 3 years ago we would no longer look at a project without a design plan being paid.

I can hear some people now.

You won’t come out for free?

You won’t design for free?

You won’t cost my project for free?

It WAS a tough change at first. But here is WHY it benefits the end client;

·       We have two consultants who look at one new project a week. Their focus is YOU and your project.

·       Our initial consults vary from 2-6 hours. This would not be possible if we looked at every project that comes to the company.

·       When we build the project, our install team can have anything up to 30 technical drawings for a project. All created in house and bespoke for that project.

·       Every project has a team leader and PROJECT MANAGER who just works with them.

·       In our industry it’s all about detail. THAT’S what you pay for. That is what separates us from everyone else. The TIME to plan and focus on your project.

·       A dedicated aftercare team to answer any questions and help you with your new pond life!

·       It allows me the time to run the company efficiently and keep making us better and better!

Let us change your frustration into happiness!

swim pond

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