You might be wondering what the fascination with koi is.
Despite contrary belief, koi have a Chinese origin. Koi was a food source before the Japanese bred them for their aesthetic appeal from the mid-1800s.
Their different colouration and patterning distinguish koi varieties. Scale variation in each koi species is entirely different.
In Japan, the most popular variety of koi is the Kohaku, a red and white koi. In the United States, the most popular variants are the Kohaku, the Taisho Sanke, and the Showa Sanke. (The Taisho Sanka and the Showa Sanka are both red, white, and black.
Keeping koi spread from Japan worldwide and is now regularly kept in garden ponds worldwide, including the UK. Passionate hobbyists join clubs, share their knowledge and help each other with their koi and communicate via groups on social media.
Many social media pages are dedicated to koi fish, including @koi_fish_pond, with over 27,000 followers on Instagram. Their page features their family of koi.
Maybe you will start your own social media pages dedicated to your koi. If you do, we’d love a tag.